+91 9721000150

Annual Fees Details

General Fee Structure (YEARLY)

Fee Head Regular Fee Hostel Fee
Tuition Fee 8000.00
Examination Fees 840.00
Addmission from Registration 20.00
Hostel Fees 800.00
Games Fee 200.00
Annual Function Fee 100.00
Sessional Exam. Fee 200.00
Magazine Fee 120.00
Hobby Centre Fee 200.00
Identity Card Fee 30.00
Caution Money 200.00 200.00
Admission from & Registration Fee 20.00
Electricity Charges 800.00 800.00
Maintenance Fee 500.00 500.00
Insurance Fees 96.00
Total 11306.00 2300.00

Payment Procedure:

All fees will be deposited strictly online mode by internet banking/debit card/ credit card/ UPI only. No any cash fee will be accepted in institute

For any query related to admission please mail us: - ADMISSIONGPBargarh@GMAIL.COM